Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pay per click management

Pay per click management is the process of advertising through classified ads on search engine that charge you each time a person clicks on your ad. People like the business model because they don't have to pay unless someone clicks on your ad. This is pretty good seeing if know one clicks you don't pay. The thing that you must do is make sure your ad is good enough for someone to click on, and then read your landing page, and buy what you want them to buy, or sign into your opt in so you can email them your product or service on the back end.


Your ads must be catchy, if not they will not get clicked on.This is the first step that must be followed. If your ad stands out people will click on them bottom line. When I say catchy I mean they must have numbers at the top, symbol signs,words like "free, sale,cheap,low price" etc... These things will attract people to your ad.

Landing page
Your landing page needs to be set up properly if not no one will stay on it. If they come to your landing page you are going to pay for it so you might as well make that best of it. What is a landing page? A landing page is the page that the people who click on your ad is lead to. For example if you are selling a landscaping service your ad will entice them to go to your landscape landing page. This is where you instead of having a page that is a home page you have a page that talks about your landscape service. You also should have the opt in form or the form to get their email address. To get them to give you your email address you offer them a free report of some sort.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the hardest things to do in internet marketing. People get trained on how to do it and then they have to do it on their own. This is a process that will be overcame easily if you have someone who will walk you through the process. Someone who will let you make mistakes and correct you. People need one on one training that will answer each and every question for them isn't that what we want.

This is what is not offered unless you are willing to pay a pretty penny. The training is going to be well worth it. The training will save you tremendous time . Time is what we all value right? If you had the expert there with you you will succeed. What if you don't have the expert? You must practice, practice, practice and go for it. you can't make a mistake here.

The most important thing to do is use common sense. Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. What would you say if you where looking for that product. What would you say the second time after searching. This is a process of metamorphosing into your customer or searcher. Internet marketing is doing this all the time.

Friday, March 18, 2011

On page SEO basics

On Page Seo or On page Search Engine Optimization is the process of making sure your website is search engine friendly. There is certain things which need to be done in order for your website to meet the standards that are set forth. If these things things are not done then it will negatively affect your website's rankings.

1. Meta Tags- You have to have all of your meta tags in their proper places. Keyword,description, title,hi,h2,h3,h4 tags must be in place. Keyword tags are the tags that the search engines attach to your website.So when someone types your keyword into the search engines they will see your site. The description is what you see when you type in the keyword in the search engine. The description is a brief summary of what your page is.You have to make your description relate to your website and the particular page. You can't have a description about acme and your site is about dog training. The title tag is the title that is seen on top your page.It's also seen above the description. The title should also have your keywords in it.Your H,1,2,3,4 tags are important areas where your main keywords should be. This is where the search engine spiders look.

2. Sitemap- Every site should have a sitemap. This is an area that shows the search engine where all of the pages of your website is. This is important for them to see. They honor you for doing this. You can go to Google and submit your Google sitemap.

On page SEO really wont impact your results on the Search Engines if your keyword has more than 50,000 competing pages. If you have lower competing pages it's usually local audiences that a website is going after. If you have more than 50,000 competing pages you should still do these things but they don't matter. If your H1,2,3,4 tags aren't their than you will not get penalized. However, if under that you must have H1,2,3,4 tags, and the rest of the tags.